How to Super Job Search!

There are possibly hundreds upon hundreds of search engines dedicated to stellenangebote. There are, what they call, the ‘super banks of stellenangebote’ and then there are job banks which focuses on a specific type of job. The problem that job seekers face is that they are spoil for choices amongst these countless sites and do not know which should get the more attention. So people devised the concept of ‘meta job search engines’. These engines search several job sites for a type of job with a particular set of criterion. The worst mistake for any job seeker is to search only the ‘super sites’. Sure you get more job options on such site but many employers refrain from posting stellenangebote on such sites for many reasons. Some employers post their posts on second rate sites—to reduce the inflow of applications for a single post, to retain applications for a specified area, to reduce unwanted applications from over-qualified applicants etc.

As a job seeker you have three things to remember—

  • Post resume to Job Banks – Almost all job search websites have a provision for you to post your resume/bio data to their sites in order to facilitate the online application process. However, uploading to each and every site can be a tedious task. You can use the ‘resume posting service’ to this repetitive task or you can use ‘resume broadcasting service’ to help your resume reach potential employers.

  • Meta Job Search Engines – As mentioned formerly, meta job search engines are a boon for the first time or veteran job seeker. However, no single meta engine catalogs all sites and different engines focus on different sites or on specific stellenangebote, making two meta job search engines inherently more unique than the other. So you have to keep it in mind to search at least 2-3 meta job search engines. You can even use software which works on the same principle—it searches various job banks and also helps you to apply, edit your resume to tailor to the needs of a job and also compose cover letters.

  • Get acquainted – Meta job search engines deal with a few select and reputed job banks. You should try to be familiar with other sites as well to increase your exposure and your chances to land a successful job. You do not have to check too many, just a few now and then to keep updated. Some sites give the provision of receiving text alerts to mobile devices so you won’t even have to log-in all the time.

Happy job hunting!

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